Workshop: New methods

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New methods: yoga, mindfulness, body-language and visual thinking in working with a student on the autism spectrum - practical training

For who?

For parents, professionals, teachers, pedagogues, psychologists, therapists, speech therapists, children's home workers, pedagogics, psychology, speech therapy;


Participants are asked for comfortable attire and willingness to participate in workshops without footwear


8 hours didactic


Understanding the assumptions of neurodydectomy and the assumptions of the "4 steps to effective learning"
- Practical learning: How to use new methods in the work on sensory, contact, relationship, motivation, concentration with students with developmental difficulties for use in school and at home:
yoga, mindfulness, body-language, visual thinking.


Lecture - 1 hour
Neurodidactics and neuronal basis of learning processes. The concept of holistic approach "4 steps to effective learning"
II. Workshop - 5 hours
Knowing the assumptions of particular methods and practical workshops.
Introduce the elements learned methods in the day plan at school and at home.